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Mag. Helmut W. Klug

My recent years of research have primarily been dedicated to German mediaeval studies. In my diploma thesis I have analysed the use of herbs in German poetic texts of the High Middle Ages. It was published in 2005: Kräuter in der deutschsprachigen Dichtung des Hochmittelalters: Vorkommen, Anwendung und Wirkung in ausgewählten Texten. Currently I am working for the Dictionary of Old English Plant Names Project under the supervision of Univ.Prof. i. R. Dr. Peter Bierbaumer and teaching courses at the University of Graz. Besides that I work on my PhD thesis which is, loosely put, about plants in the Middle Ages and this website plus the database behind it is in the center of it. The working title is: “Plants in German Literature of the Middle Ages: A Data-base Supported Stocktaking with an Analysis of Literary, Linguistic and Cultural Contexts.”

» Curriculum Vitae

» Bibliography


Mag. Roman Weinberger

I am a web and software developer. In addition to that I have an MSc degree in Psychology/Cognitive Sciences. My area of expertise are e-learning and knowlege management.

» References